If you are placed in verification you will find verification documents listed on your Self-Service Banner. You may need to submit all required documents before receiving an award package. You may be required to submit tax documents from you/your parents where applicable.
You will need to submit all required verification documents by July 1st to meet the priority deadline. Students can still submit required documentation after the July 1st deadline; however, students that submit documents by the priority deadline may be eligible for additional grant funds.
Many times we will request IRS transcripts of your tax returns, and those of your parents, from the tax year requested on the FAFSA, a verification worksheet, and documentation of additional untaxed items such as child support paid, IRA/Keogh deductions, workers compensation, and interest on tax-free bonds.
Students—and/or parents if applicable—who file an extension with the IRS will need to wait until they can either use the IRS DRT tool or submit a tax transcript before we can award you any monies.
Once we have received from you all requested paperwork, reviewed it, and verified it, you will be awarded the grants and loans for which you are eligible.
Verification improves the accuracy of the information submitted on the FAFSA. Please be aware that our office cannot process financial aid, requests for professional judgment, or disburse federal student aid until the verification process is complete.